Sunday, May 29, 2011

Set Meta Title (Page Title) in CakePHP 1.2/1.3

Hello Friends,

As i mention in my previous posts, CakePHP 1.3 come up with lots of new syntax changes. I was looking for a Meta Title SEO tag for each page. I need to set this Meta Title (Page Title) for each page. You must be aware that Page Title can be set in method which we write in respective controller. Look at below syntax changes in CakePHP 1.2 and CakePHP 1.3 for setting Page Title.
CakePHP 1.2
$this->pageTitle = “Page Title Value”;
CakePHP 1.3
$this->set(“title_for_layout”,”Page Title Value”);
If you find any problem in this than let me know by comment.

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