I Bhavin Rana, Professional & Experianced Freelance Developer From India. I am well experienced programmer with a good technical ability and eye for detail. I have expertise all of the programming languages described beside. I would like to experiment and initiate my programming skills to develop your project.
I am specialized in PHP Web Development Which includes CorePHP, Custom PHP Frameworks (e.g. CakePHP , Codeigniter ,DooPHP etc.),PHP Open Sources (e.g. WordPress, Joomla, OpenCart, E Commerce etc.)
I also provide Web Design Service with highly qualified designers.
- CorePHP
- CustomPHP
- wordpress
- Joomla
- E Commerce
- CakePHP
- Codeigniter
- DooPHP
- Search Engine Optimisation(SEO)
- WebDesign
- ASP.NET Applications
Experience & Qualifications
I have started my career after completing M.Sc.I.T. Mastering in Science of Information Technology form Gujarat India. i have 5 years of Experiance in Web Development. i worked on known big projects mainly built on CakePHP and Codeignitor. i m also having deeper knowledge about the PHP Open Sources (e.g. WordPress, Joomla, OpenCart, E Commerce etc.) and have done a variety of projects on it.
Our Services
1. Website Designing.
2. Website Developement.
3. Website Promotion - Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ).
4. Website Maintance.
5. PHP/MySQL website development.
6. Business website development.
7. Template designing.
8. Logo Designing.
Our objective is to deliver the high quality product and maintnance to our clients, we always achive this by using right technology for product development. PHP is very strong server side programming language and thus we are specialiize in PHP/MySQL website development. We always suggest to our clients to use the correct technology for there products. We are mainly working on server side programming languages including PHP4 ,PHP5 , ASP. We have developed lots of good websites including shopping cart websites,auction websites,matrimonial ebsites,corporate websites using following technologies.
Sample websites
We have developed lots of websites. Take a lok at sample websites in the slide show at right side of this page.
Our Clients
We have delivered the quality products to lots of our clients located at different places in the world. Our client sites are located in New Zeland ,Unites States, India - mumbai,Bombay.
Contact Freelancer Mumbai
Mail : bhavinrana07@gmail.com
Per hour charges
Our freelancer team works on project basis and/or hour basis. Normally we work on project basis for full fresh website development and we work on hourly basis if the work is like maintnance or module integration.
Project Rates :
Coast per project is totally depend upon the complexity of web application and the
estimated time.
Hourly Rates :
Our current hourly charges are : click here.